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Motorcycle Riding Mistakes

Motorcycle Riding Mistakes

Motorcycle Riding Mistakes

Before renting your you should be aware that a motorcycle is not a toy and you should avoid these 9 motorcycle riding mistakes. If we are not responsible in our conduct and driving we can in danger our safety and that of those around us.

Therefore, so that this does not happen to you, we bring you the 9 most common Motorcycle Riding Mistakes that some motorcyclists make, their consequences and how we can avoid them:

Here are 9 major Motorcycle Riding Mistakes For Beginners

1. Not using the helmet correctly: There are many motorcycle drivers who do not use the protective helmet properly, either because it does not fit correctly on their head or, worse still, they decide not to use it when traveling. Making this decision implies more than not wearing a helmet its a Motorcycle Riding Mistakes, it means that we do not have a head either. Not surprisingly, making this unfortunate decision means that we increase the risk of a serious or fatal injury 15 times compared to those who use the helmet properly. If this capital reason is not enough, we also subject ourselves to harsh traffic penalties.

2. Not having enough knowledge about motorcycles: Driving any type of vehicle is considered in itself an activity that involves danger. In this way, knowing how the motorcycle works is essential to avoid any type of fright. It costs nothing to read the motorcycle manual to discover the details of its correct handling, maintenance, driving, etc. We will surely appreciate it. Please avoid Motorcycle Riding Mistakes.

3. Not carrying out a good maintenance of the motorcycle: There are not a few motorcyclists who neglect the importance of carrying out an optimal periodic maintenance of the vehicle. It is essential, because by doing so we prevent premature wear of the components and systems (tyre, brakes, suspension, etc.) that could lead to a driving accident.

4. Driving a motorcycle of an inappropriate size: Driving a motorcycle larger or heavier than we can control is a serious Motorcycle Riding Mistakes on the part of many motorcyclists, mainly those who take their first steps in the world of motorcycles. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid this failure, since a correct driving position and balanced weight distribution are essential for safe driving.

5. Do not use the lights: The use of lights has a double function, that of seeing and being seen at any time. Hence the importance of daily checking the proper functioning of our headlights, taillights, dipped beams, etc. In this way we can prevent many unnecessary scares, especially at night.

6. Do not make zigzagging movements: As a general rule, you should always use the left lane for overtaking and keep a single lane for your journeys. Thus, we must avoid overtaking other vehicles in the right lane or the common mistake of traveling between the gaps left by cars if we do not want to run the risk of being run over by another driver or suffering a fall on the asphalt.

7. Carrying only one passenger: It seems logical that carrying more than one passenger on our motorcycle is an inescapable call to danger, however, the number of “fools” who have this particular occurrence would be surprising. Not only passengers, but also large packages that make it easier for us to lose control of the vehicle due to excess weight and loss of balance. So, it is best that you take this warning into account if you do not want to be unbalanced.

8. Travel through prohibited areas: It may seem obvious, but many motorcyclists forget that sidewalks and other places of transit are for pedestrians. No one wants to suffer the mishap of running into a poor old lady who is calmly walking down the street walking her dog. So watch out! In the same way, we must be very clear on which traffic routes we are allowed to drive our motorcycle according to its tank capacity.

9. Do not drive too fast: Driving a motorcycle generates a unique feeling of freedom and adrenaline, but we must not come up. Speed ​​limits are to be obeyed. Especially on motorcycles we must drive at a prudent speed, since the risks for the driver of falling or crashing into a fixed point are much greater than in a car. Avoid Motorcycle Riding Mistakes

It is not so complicated to avoid these failures right? It’s just common sense. These warnings and everything will go smoothly, more specifically on two wheels. At stoneheadbikes we will be happy to offer you our motorcycle rental service in India, advise you on the motorcycle that best suits your needs and, of course, surprise you with the best prices in India for motorcycle and scooter rentals.